Lightinderm Events
Don't miss upcoming Lightinderm events in your city.
These exclusive events will allow you to explore our technology in depth, receive advice on how to best use our devices, and interact with our experts during dedicated sessions. Look for events near you to live a unique and enriching experience, while discovering the world of the brand.
Catherine Cerezo x Lightinderm
Take part in an exclusive wellness experience at our special event: Lightinderm x Catherine Cerezo , world champion in face massage.
For the first time, immerse yourself in a hands-on workshop, where Catherine Cerezo will teach you professional self-massage techniques to tone and smooth your face, in addition to Lightinderm , an innovation that combines LED technology , photoactive ingredients and expert tissue massages. Lightinderm , a pioneer in cutting-edge skincare, is revolutionizing beauty routines with targeted solutions for visible and lasting results.
Also enjoy personalized advice and a special moment with Catherine for a diagnosis tailored to your needs. Join us to discover how Lightinderm can transform your skin and leave with exclusive gifts !
Dr. Schartz - The Revolution Against Stains
Discover our new product in preview during an exclusive Masterclass with Dr. Schartz , renowned dermatologist.
For the first time, Lightinderm combines three synergistic technologies: LED, photo-active active ingredients and massage to combat pigment spots and restore even skin tone.
The founder of Lightinderm will also be there to explain how LEDs can transform your skin.
Take this opportunity to benefit from personalized advice from our experts, with a detailed skin diagnosis tailored to your needs.
Holifitness by Chantal Lehmann x Lightinderm
Immerse yourself in an exclusive treatment experience at the Institut du Bon Marché. Chantal Lehmann, a renowned specialist in tissue massage, welcomes you for a masterful combination of Lightinderm and the HoliFitness® method.
HoliFitness® is THE facial massage that restores firmness, radiance and youthfulness to your skin. This scientifically proven facial sculpting method is a natural and effective alternative to botox and hyaluronic acid to restore the youthfulness of your face.
The Holifitness® method is the only treatment technique in the world to have undergone a clinical study, thus attesting to its effectiveness and its visible results from the first session.
Revitalizing Expert Care
Don’t miss our next event at Galeries Lafayette Bordeaux !
Treat yourself to a wellness break and prepare yourself for a unique experience, to regain radiant and revitalized skin.
See you soon for this exceptional moment.
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Revitalizing Expert Care
Don’t miss our next event at Galeries Lafayette Nice !
Treat yourself to a wellness break and prepare yourself for a unique experience, to regain radiant and revitalized skin.
See you soon for this exceptional moment.
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Dr Domergue
Join our Masterclass to receive personalized advice from our experts and renowned dermatologist Dr. Domergue . You will receive an accurate and personalized diagnosis that will help you understand the unique needs of your skin.
Plus, Lightinderm’s founder will explain in detail how LEDs can transform your skin. Discover how to incorporate our cutting-edge technology into your daily routine to achieve visible and lasting results .
Slots coming soon, watch your emails!